Humans, as tribal creatures, are designed to be constantly surrounded by other members of our tribes. Our need to socialize is no different than our need for food and water; without enough of it, we drastically increase our odds of
depression and, on average
live 15 years shorter.Today, our world is more connected than ever, yet we often feel as if we have no one to talk to.
About 50% of Americans report frequent feelings of loneliness(60% in the UK).
Apps today that call themselves “social” are filled with infinite feeds designed not for human presence but to grab your attention for monetization.
Interactions happen in places, not feedsPlaces that can pull people together and allow them to collide serendipitously. Places like your school library or cafeteria where the squad shows up without necessary planning. Online places like
Varrock or
Henesys where people often stand and do nothing, simply absorbing each other’s presence.
At Henesys, we believe the most effective means to generate human interaction is by designing the environment which enables those interactions to exist in the first place. Starting with a
digital place for you and your squad!